Our Whole Lives Registration Form, 8th-9th grade, Jan-May 2025

Please register for Our Whole Lives for 8th-9th graders using this form.
This OWL program is open to 8th - 9th graders.

Please note that a Parent Orientation is mandatory. We have it scheduled for January 5th. This is an important part of the Our Whole Lives program and allows for Parents/Guardians to be aware of the content of the course and to be prepared to be a resource at home. Please contact Margaret at DLRE@northlakeuu.org if this will be an issue for your family.

Our Whole Lives Classes will be held Sunday afternoons at 2 pm at Northlake UU Church. Most will last 2 1/2 - 3 hours. There will be a few Saturday evening gatherings, one to start the program and a few to allow us to cover 3 workshops. Classes run from January through May, with some Sundays off for holidays. We will go over the schedule at the Parent Orientation.

Attendance is very important. We ask that families make a commitment to make the OWL program a priority. We ask that you plan for your youth to attend most Sundays, and that if you need to be absent, you let us know as soon as you can. Of course in these times we also want to be clear that if your youth is sick with symptoms of contagious disease, they should stay home.


We do not charge a registration fee for OWL as we believe it is part of Northlake’s mission to provide this important education to our congregants and community. We do encourage participants to offer a donation (to Northlake UU or Saltwater UU) if they wish to support this vital program.

We welcome you to share this program offering with your friends who may be interested in having their youth join us!

Parent or Guardian Information

First Youth Information

Please select all that apply.
Second Youth

Please select all that apply.


Please register for Our Whole Lives for 8th-9th graders using this form.